Twitter Says It Will Make Biden @POTUS, Regardless Of Election Outcome — Nwo Report

Tech company will meet with Biden transition team Source: Steve Watson Twitter announced over the weekend that it intends to make Joe Biden ‘@POTUS’ next year regardless of the actual outcome of the election. The platform announced that it is “actively preparing to support the transition of White House institutional Twitter accounts on January 20th, […]

Twitter Says It Will Make Biden @POTUS, Regardless Of Election Outcome — Nwo Report

A corporations begins to act as if it’s an individual empowered to take action by the majority of stockholders to act illegally. It’s more than interesting it jeopardizes the future operation of that corportion of @twitter since the Board isn’t taking any action to stop the CEO and may be participating in this action. It is not up to Mr. Biden, any CEO, Senator to seat a President. I suggest that you read the History of how it is done given similar circumstances that occurred in the past. There is a great factual article in The Gatestone this week. Google it. It’s written by Alan Dershowitz Harvard Professor of Law Emeritus. There is actually a process set up already. We don’t leave it up to thugs like Bezos, Zuckerberg who think they are above the Law, above the Courts and above the Constitutional process because they grew up brats and want something so it must happen like little babies. The process they advocate is anarchy because if someone else holds the opposite opinion just as strongly chaos breaks out and someone dies. So, friends, read what process already exists, what was done in the past. You don’t have to love it but it is the American process.